bs-82568C [Life Science]
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800.501.7654 [DOMESTIC]
+1.781.569.5821 [INTERNATIONAL]

Formulation White or off-white solid

Storage: RT

Product Information:

NSC-23766 is a selective inhibitor of Rac1-GEF interaction. Prevents Rac1 activation by Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) Trio and Tiam1 (IC50 ca. 50 μM) with no effect on the closely related Cdc42 or RhoA. In cells, it blocks serum or PDGF-induced Rac-1 activation and lamellipodia formation. NSC-23766 suppressed the growth of wild-type NIH 3T3 cells but was inactive in cells expressing the constitutively active Rac1 mutant, L61Rac1.1 It is a useful tool to probe the involvement of Rac1 in cell signalling.2 Off target effect: antagonist at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.3 Cell permeable.


CAS Number: 733767-34-5<br></br>Chemical Name: N6-[2-[[4-(Diethylamino)-1-methylbutyl]amino]-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl]-2-methyl-4,6-quinolinediamine trihydrocholoride<br></br>Molecular weight: 530.98<br></br>Formula: C24H35N7 · 3HCl<br></br>Solubility: DMSO (50 mg/ml) Water (50 mg/ml)<br></br>Physical Properties: White solid<br></br>Purity: 98% by TLC, NMR (Conforms)

Size: 5 mg, 25 mg5 mg, 25 mg

Applications: Life Science()

For research use only. Not intended for diagnostic or therapeutic use.