bs-75577C [Life Science]
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800.501.7654 [DOMESTIC]
+1.781.569.5821 [INTERNATIONAL]

Formulation Solid

Storage: Stable for 2 years after receipt when stored at -20°C.

Product Information:

CAS Number: 314045-39-1

Molecular formula: C24H24N6O2S3

Molecular weight: 524.7

Purity: >95% (HPLC)

Appearance: White to off-white solid.

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO (10mg/ml) or DMF (10mg/ml). Sparingly soluble in aqueous buffers.




Selective, allosteric non-competitive inhibitor of glutaminase 1 (GLS1), selective for GLS1 over GLS2, glutamate dehydrogenase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, consequently inhibiting glutaminolysis. Useful agent for immunometabolism research. Glutaminase converts glutamine to glutamate, which is an important excitatory neurotransmitter in brain and can be further oxidized to alpha-ketoglutarate to feed the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and to glutathione, which is important for controlling the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly important for cancer cell growth. Anticancer agent. Increases the production of reactive oxygen species and reduces ATP levels in hypoxic cells, induces cell death of P493 human lymphoma B cells in vitro and delays tumor xenograft growth in vivo.

Size: 1mg,5mg,25mg,

Applications: Life Science()

For research use only. Not intended for diagnostic or therapeutic use.